Cyberpunk 2077 developer reveals first content to patch 1.3

Patch 1.3 for Cyberpunk 2077 comes, so much is clear, the big price question is only when. At the latest since CD project community manager Marcin Momot has the arrival of the patch, the impatience in many fans is large - not least because the patch could also contain the first free DLC.

But a little patience need fans but still need, because as before with patch 1.2, developer CD project Red in advance has issued a kind of teaser to patch 1.3.

But first the most important thing in the shortness:

  • When is the stream? Tuesday, the 17th of August at 18 o'clock German time.
  • Where can I find the stream? on the Twitch Channel of CD Project Red

The first three improvements from patch 1.3

In the blog entry, a fake news show of the Ingame broadcaster N54 News is again presented, reporting spokeswoman Gillean Jordan that various vehicle manufacturers have improved their GPS navigation technology.

MINIMUM zoomed out: The report provides a short clip that provides a comparison between the 1.23 version and the 1.3 version. It is clear to see that the minimap is zoomed out when driving. The minimap is so far too close to the events, the innovation one who has liked many playing long.

More time: Another report indicates a change for the Quest Automatic Love: The short clip shows that the period has been significantly renewed in which player can choose between Sky and Angel.

The third and last teaser on the upcoming changes shows a new button, which apparently allows to redistribute advantage points in the craft tree.

All information about the previously known Roadmap by Cybepunk 2077 can be found here:

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more on the subject

Cyberpunk 2077-Roadmap 2021: Patches, Next Gene Upgrade and DLCs


When will Patch 1.3 appear for Cyberpunk 2077?

An exact date for the publication has not yet mentioned CD project. But if it behaves as with the teaser to 1.2, we can expect within the next two weeks (with happiness already rather) with the publication of the hot-stretched patch.

However, CDPR has already announced via Twitter that the complete patchotes should come soon. If the changes will be known, we will inform you about price question.

Which changes do you want the most of the new patch?


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