The strange Adventure of Jojo: 6 things that only manga readers noticed in the trailer of The Stone Ocean

The announcement of an animated version of the next chapter of the historic Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series has been promoted by fanatics for years. The advancement of the newest season, Stone Ocean, premiered at the beginning of August 2021 with many applause, and dedicated fanatics realized some important details that casual viewers may not have noticed.

Related: The strange Adventure of Jojo: stronger secondary characters, classified

The anime versions of the classical manga series have generally been praised by unwelcome fanatics of the franchise. In part, this is due to the almost total trust of David Productions in the original style and even on the sleeve lines. If the progress says something about next season, fans can expect a faithful recreation of the first adequate incursion of the series in an environment based in the USA. UU

6 Emporio Alnino, FF and Ermes Costello make its appearance

Before the trailer officially labeled each of these characters in a quick-cut sequence towards the end, the manga fans already knew who they were. Emporio ...


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