Valheim: More balance for two-handed and bows

With the Update Hearth & Home for Valheim, which appears on September 16, 2021, the developers of Iron Gate make such some adjustments on the Viking adventure.

Food buffs are reworked and more flexible Stamina and life take a greater influence on the fight Tower shields are braced Meats and adjustments on the hob are made Weapons are better Genbalanced

How the two-hand ax in the forest ...

In the last developer video before the Release of Hearth & Home, the creators of the survival game go on the weapon balancing and highlight the two most significant adjustments. One concerns the two-handed ax, so the weapon of choice for those among you who like to break through the undergrowth and through the enemies. The ax is now a bit faster, causes a little more damage to dazed opponents and, on top of that, even when splitting.

This is a small compensation for the two-hand butt of course still relatively slow and hard. With the thing brainless on the opponents Kloppen is not in it; Such a procedure sends you faster into death as your two-handed axes can spell. Say: You must still act tactically, despite the buffs of two-hand ax with your brachial murder instrument.

Bows and the stamina

Bows are in Valheim (Buy Now) with the Heart & Home update no longer quite as supervised as before. The developers have adapted the speed with which they tense the tendon. An immediate tension is no longer possible, even if your bow skill has completely developed. You still consume stamina to tension the arch.

In order to compensate for the above adaptation a bit, however, you will use a little less stamina when you want to keep a tendon tense for careful goals. You can then leave you a bit more time before you let the arrow fly.

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