LOL: The interesting idea of the community investigated by Riot and canceled by developers

So You Wanna Make Games?? | Episode 1: Intro to Game Art The community of League of Legends has an important role in the development of the game. Although some of the ideas suggested by the players have already been tested by Riot there are cases in which a suggestion had not passed through the head of the game responsible. It was the case of a small adjustment in which it was suggested that the champions with mana restrained it immediately after the return to base to avoid the great differences with respect to the characters that use other resources.

an idea that I convinced Riot, but it will not reach the game

The idea proposed by the player convinced the community, accumulating thousands of positive votes. Even Riot Games employees thought it could be a great added addition and committed to studying it. However, now that the subject has returned to generate debate, A personnel of the company has denied any possibility that this function reaches the game soon and ensures that it has been discarded after an investigation.

Unfortunately, this employee of Riot Games has not been able to give the reasons regarding the decision. A priori should be a simple adjustment in terms of programming and the motif would be related to the mere porblema that could cause in relation to balance the champions of League of Legends or the possible alternative strategies that would have place once this improvement was introduced. What is sure is that there was something that did not convince the developers at all.

In any case, Riot Games does not usually cancel his plans without more. This novelty may not fit the current reality of League of Legends for reasons that we still do not know, but it would not be the first time that canceled functionalities end up reaching the game. In this way, perhaps in some future context it is a viable idea and ends up entering.


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