New World: Trading Post

To earn in Amazon s New World Gold (or rather taler) is not necessarily easy. Players already demand new mission types to facilitate the matter. One way to get to a lot of gold is, of course, the auction house, called trading posts in New World. There you can bring your manufactured or found goods to the man or the woman, and gets the gold in return. That s how it should be. A bug prevents exactly the current.

Offline? Bad luck!

If you sell something in the trading post, then the gold will be credited to you. Since the latest patch 1.0.4, this only happens when you are online at the time of sale. Who is offline, has bad luck and does not get his gold. It disappears somewhere in Nirvana. Of course that s very bitter, because it is both the item as well as the payment away and her stands with empty hands. And in this case, it does not seem to act on individual cases, how many a thousand updotes of the forum entries will show. NEW WORLD: Trading Post Bug Klaut your hard earned gold! (2) Source: Amazon The developers of Amazon are aware of the problem and test according to their own statement already internally some solutions. They expressly stressed that all players affected by the bug will get their gold as soon as the fix was developed and played on the live servers. How long this still takes, there were no statements about it.

Apparently, that was not the only bug that was played with the patch. Even the recurrent character transfers make zicken and can not be carried out often because allegedly nor missions are open - although everyone has been canceled or done. The developers want to fix the developers with a hotfix as soon as possible.

What does your Gold earn your gold in New World (Buy Now 39,99 €) \ - also with the trading post?


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