Sackboy A Big Adventure: Punctually to Halloween - Free Zombie

Over the past few months, the players of the Sumo Digital 3D platform Sackboy: A Big Adventure was allowed to look forward to more or less regular intervals via outfits based on popular titles such as Returnal or Ratchet & Clank .

As the British Studio announced in collaboration with Sony Interactive Entertainment, the next free content update is already in the starting blocks. This will be made available on time for the nearby Halloween festival on Friday, October 29, 2021, and according to official information with new content for scary Halloween mood in Sackboy: A Big Adventure .

From the sackboy to a fader zombie

In the course of the said content update, both a new outfit and a suitable emote move into the 3D platform, with which the sackboy is transformed into a folded zombie shortly. Sackboy: A Big Adventure was created as mentioned in the British Developer Studio Sumo Digital and was published in November of last year for both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

on the subject : PS5 Game Trials: Death Stranding and Sackboy A Big Adventure Free Test

Join Sackboy on an epic 3D platform adventure with your friends, says the official description of the platformer. Players can go on this epic Jump n Run adventure or experience chaotic multiplayer fun with up to four friends.

Sackboy s Counting Down The Days to Halloween Because Hey Can not Wait To Show Vex That He Isn t As Scary-Looking As He Thinks! ????

This free zombie costume and emote is sure to give your friends a spook too and Will be available on the PlayStation Store from October 29th! ????

  • Sackboy: A Big Adventure | LittleBigPlanet (@LittleBigPlanet) October 25, 2021

Further news about Sackboy: A Big Adventure.


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