Rocitizens codes in RoBlox (August 2020)

Image via Roblox Corporation

Roblox so many games that the community can play. Among them, is rather popular Citizens that allows you to simulate life Roblox citizens. Create your house, work a job and generally interact with the community. Here are some codes to unlock additional bonus for your Citizen.

active codes

20valentine — $4000 500 million — $5000 Code — $10 disagreement — $2500 and price Discord Easter egg — $1337 Laundry — $5000 fleet — $6000 Rocitoyens5ème — $5000 Rocitoyens6ème — $6000 rosebud — $3000 candy — $2500 true friend — $4,000 and Pet Rock XMAS19 — $3000 Premature — $12 000 Lucky Duck — U $3500 Make it rain — $4500 candy — Win the trophy and $2500 Twitter Rainy day — $3500 you want — $1500

Are you also interested in topics related to Roblox Corporation Games?

ihaveafish — $1000 coldhardcash — $3500 a little something — $4000

To use the above code, open Citizens and click the green cart in the lower left corner of the screen. Simply copy and paste the code here in the field that appears, and you re just a little richer.

inactive codes

rocitoyens5ème — $5000

fleet — $6000

ALL *8* NEW RoCitizens CODES 2021 (ROBLOX) nomoredelays — $5000 Easter egg — $1337 Make it rain — $4500 rosebud — $3000 jobzncarz — $1500 supdatembre — $4000 can not think of the code names — $2000 ilovefirebrand1 — $4000 Nelsons — $1500 bugsareannoyants — $2500 Gimme Gimme Gimme — $750 allthemoola — $1000 canigetahottub — Win a free hot tub corner — Earn a free pool table good — $10 000 goodluckspellingsovereignty — Win a computer sovereignty


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