Uncharted: The movie shares its official poster with Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg in the foreground

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Tomorrow, December 16, will come to the Film Rooms of Spain Spider-Man: no way home, a movie in which many hopes of the Marvel Arachnid hero has been deposited and that it is starring Tom Holland, the same actor in charge of giving life to Nathan Drake in Uncharted: the film that has just shared through social networks his First official poster.

Uncharted: The movie arrives this next February 18 to cinemas The image does not share many details about the plot, showing in the foreground to its two main stars, the aforementioned Tom Holland as a young caste and Mark Wahlberg as Sully, Mentor of Nathan Drake in the games. Background can be seen a sunken galleon, while the tone of composition can well remind us to the cover of uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection for looking for a benchmark.

UNCHARTED - Official Trailer (HD)

With its publication through an exclusive with Fandango, one of the large ticket purchase portals in the United States, is expected that in the coming days there is some bad promotional action that takes advantage of the boom for its star, with a spider -Man: No Way Home that aims to be the Great Thriller of the Year, and remind the viewers the premiere of the film adaptation this February 18.

Uncharted: The film left its first trailer now makes a couple of months ago, showing in two and a half minutes a river of winks to the original material we wanted to browse thoroughly on a special page. In addition, the presence of YouTuber Rubén Dollar, better known as the Rubies was also confirmed. On the other hand, its authors have guaranteed a product that will surrender homage to games.

Leaving behind the film, in a few weeks the launch of Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, a pack with Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy, for PS5. Later it will also reach PC, although no premiere date has not been provided.


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