Uncharted: Tom Holland was afraid to make fun of Mark Wahlberg when security was not present

In inexpladora, Tom Holland interprets the role of Nathan Drake, while Mark Wahlberg coprotagonizes as Victor «Sully» Sullivan. Initially, Wahlberg was assigned to play Nathan Drake, but the actor left the paper with age as the production was prolonged. In a recent appearance in Tard at night with Seth Meyers Holland joked saying that he has made many comments about Wahlberg's age on the movie press tour. This led Meyers to point out that Wahlberg looks like the type of co-protagonist from which it would be fun to joke on the set. Holland responded by saying that he often mocked Wahlberg during production, but given that the actor is "a quite frightening guy," he would only do it when security was close!

"So, I have a security guard that is one of my best friends, but I only make fun of Mark when Jack is close," Holland said with a smile. Then, the actor began to give an example of something said on the set, but he quickly thought better!

Inexplate has become an early success in the box office. The film exceeded Sony's expectations on his first weekend, and the conversations already began over a sequel. The film prepares the stage for a follow-up, which will presumably see Holland and Wahlberg return as Drake and Sully. However, at the time of writing this article, nothing definitive has been announced.

The success of inexplate has been a pleasant surprise for the PlayStation fans. Historically, video game adaptations have been heterogeneous and inexplain have had a difficult production process. Sony has been trying to make an adaptation since 2008, and Wahlberg has joined the film since 2010. Even when things began to progress, inexplain saw a rotating door of directors, including Dan Trachtenberg and Travis Knight, before Ruben Fleischer I went up on board. Among the problems with the directors, the Tom Holland schedule and the Coronavirus pandemic, the film suffered several delays. Given the shock stacked against the film, it is quite impressive that it came out as well as it did!

Tom Holland Only Teases Mark Wahlberg When There’s Security Nearby Inexplate is now in theaters. Readers can see all our previous coverage of the film here.

Have you checked inexplate Still? What did you think of the movie? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter in @marcdachamp to talk about everything related to games!


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