The next PS5 game of Naughty Dog may not be the last of us or uncharted

A new rumor of PlayStation, if true, has filtered the first details about a new game of Naughty Dog, the developer best known for The last of us and inexplain but a developer who can finally be immersing his toe in new waters after to do nothing more than inexplate and The last of us games since 2005, which is the last time you throw a _jax and daxter game. Naugty Dog has confirmed that it currently has three projects in process, which leaves the door open to work on something new, but until now it does not speak of these mysterious projects. However, there is a new rumor and affirms that the decorated study is working on a new IP.

The rumor comes along the way to go on Twitter, and unfortunately, it is not full of details. What is revealed is that it is a game for a single player set in a fantasy scenario and is currently in full production. The filter also points out that Neil Druckmann is not involved. For those who do not know: Neil Druckmann is the co-creator, writer and creative director behind The last of us series, and also the creative director behind unchart 4: the misconducer of the thief. It is one of the most important names of the industry, but also a slightly divisive name, largely due to _The last of us part 2 that despite being acclaimed by criticism, it had a good number of critics.

Recently, Naughty Dog has developed a reputation for prolonged development, however, it used to produce games. That is, it is difficult to predict when this game could be launched, especially without knowing how advanced it is in production. A secure estimate would be two to four years. That said, not only take this estimate with tweezers, but also the rumor itself. This is not official information and, like everything, is subject to change. For what is worth, we have heard rumors that you are working on a new IP at Naughty Dog. However, these rumors were about a year ago.

Everything Naughty Dog is Releasing in 2022

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